Updating Payment Methods in meshStack is hidden
Young-Hwan Kim
As a FinOps Team I require to update Payment Methods based on requests or other changes.
The issue is that editing Payment Methods is rather hidden in meshStack as I:
- first find the Payment Method in the FinOps -> Payment Methods screen in the Admin Area to identify the Workspace
- Go to the Organization -> Workspace Screen to find the Workspace there to select the action "creade/edit Payment Methods"
- finding the Payment Method there again (if there are multiple Payment Methods) to finally update the Payment Method (e.g. amount, cost center, tags etc.)
This is quite the journey for a rather simple task.
A potential improvement would be to have a edit action in the FinOps -> Payment Method screen
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your idea! We understand that administrating payment methods is currently more complex than it should be. There is a lot of potential to make the process more intuitive and less time consuming. Feel free to share the canny link with others to receive more votes for your idea