Show if metering configuration is working
I integrate a new platform and set up metering.
After providing the permissions to meshStack and saving the platform config, I don't have any chance to find out if what I entered works. I have to ask someone from meshcloud how I notice that metering works.
I would like meshStack to tell me if the config is working and if not an error message that helps me to trouble shoot my authentication or authorization problem.
Polina Sadykova
Thank you all for your comments and votes! You can now find this transparency feature under the "Platform" page in the Admin Area. Please stay tuned, as we will soon introduce on an "Action Needed" section failed statuses, as well as specific failure messages from the cloud platform, helping you understand the exact reasons behind the issues.
Polina Sadykova
in progress
Thank you for your votes and feedback! We're currently working on implementing this request, which will include clear visibility into metering configuration and notifications for configuration failures. Stay tuned for updates! :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your idea! We can understand that uncertainty when setting up the platform integration is frustrating. Feel free to share the canny link with others to receive more votes for your idea.