Enable conversion for multiple currencies
Shamil Radzhabov
Currently, currency conversion is only enabled for USD, but other currencies are also utilized, including CNY, TWD, CAD, and INR. Furthermore, it is necessary to clarify how the rates are applied. For instance, for consumption in May 2024, it is unclear whether it is an average of the entire month or the rate valid at the beginning or end of the month.
Polina Sadykova
Hey, everyone! Now meshStack also supports currency conversion for CNY, TWD, CAD, and INR, allowing you to
convert these currencies into Euros!
Polina Sadykova
in progress
Polina Sadykova
Thank you for your request! We are excited to announce that we will be expanding meshStack's currency conversion capabilities to include CNY, TWD, CAD, and INR via API first. This enhancement aims to provide better visibility over your financials.
For the default currency converter (Frankfurter API), the exchange rate will be based on the rate on the day the chargeback is finalized. If you use your own API to provide exchange rates, the conversion rate will be the one you send us for the current month.
Additionally, we will udpade our documentation to clearly explain how currency conversion is handled. Stay tuned, as we plan to enable these currencies for meshStack through the Frankfurter API also soon.